Posts tagged popular
#BrieflyStyled 14 Days of Style Instagram Series

Briefly Styled is a series I started on Instagram in 2021 and focuses on styling a specific item or outfit for a specific occasion. For example, what to wear to an SEC football game, or how to style faux leather. What’s really fun about the series is that most of the examples are requests specifically from y’all and requests that a lot of women have in common.

You can check out all of the Briefly Styled videos here and see some of the videos from Instagram below. Be sure to follow me there for all the fun videos and styling content!

Styling the rebound of cargos

This was one of the more popular videos from the series and it was also one of my favorites. I loved the mix of feminine and masculine style. The more masculine blazer and cargo shorts were a great base to add feminine touches like the sparkly shoes and handbag. What do y’all think?

Styling the underrated jumpsuit

One of my favorite pieces to reach for when I don’t know what to wear is the jumpsuit. A jumpsuit is great for so many occasions and can easily be dressed up or down. They are such a fun option for weddings or more cocktail attire events. Check out how I styled it below!

styling an easy work outfit

I’m convinced that this outfit would look good on anyone! You can never go wrong with a classic denim, blazer and great accessories. I personally work in a casual setting so this outfit is great for me, but you could easily swap the denim for slacks or a dress and get the same great look!

There are tons more videos linked here in my Shop LTK where you can see the videos and shop the items in the video directly! I also included a lot of similar items at different price points depending on your budget and what you might be looking for. What other items or events do y’all want help shopping for? Let me know in the comments or over on Instagram (@amanda_navaa)!

What to Wear for Your Family Holiday Photos & Photoshoot tips

Hey, y’all! One of the most common questions in my DMs right now is “What do I wear to family photos?” or “How do I coordinate the whole family for photos?”

When it comes to any type of photography, there are some definite guidelines to follow to make your photos picture-perfect. First, think about the overall aesthetic and vibe of your shoot. Are you thinking of something more casual and natural or more formal and festive? Once you know the overall look of the photos you are going for, it’ll be easier to pick outfits.

Here are my easy guidelines for holiday photos:

  • Pick a color palette with multiple colors in the same family. For example, go for beige, white, and touches of black or navy. Or for something more colorful try emerald, navy, white, and maybe a touch of metallic. Another variable to consider is texture. Fabrics like corduroy, velvet, sequin (especially during golden hour), and faux fur work well for holiday photos and add depth to photos!

  • Once you have your palette, dress your family members in coordinating outfits - not matching ones. If someone wants to wear a white dress, have someone else in beige or the men of the group in navy pants or tops. Depending on how many people you have in your photos is how many combinations you’d need.

  • If you want a more vibrant outfit, stick the pattern on one or two people only and make sure not to overcrowd. colors and patterns or the photos will become busy, This will take away from the shoot and you always want the focal point to be your family and faces!

  • Consider making your atmosphere or shooting environment the theme vs. your outfits. There is elegance to a snowy outdoor scene and classic outfits, holiday decor, and a formal ensemble. Try incorporating holiday elements like trees, snow, decorated Christmas trees, etc., in the background and play off that environment’s natural color palette for your outfits.

  • Lastly, and most importantly, wear what you are comfortable in and what makes you feel like you. If you’re fidgeting with your outfit, uncomfortable with a part of it or simply don’t feel like yourself, then that will show in your photos. Wear something that you’ll look back in the photos and feel good about!

Outfit Inspiration for her

Below is a liked style guide for different types of pieces to wear and some explanation behind why I chose them. They are intentional a more neutral color palette as I wanted to focus more on the type of item rather than the specific item shown (although the exact ones would work too!)

If you click the image it will take you to everything linked in the graphic.

Outfit Inspiration for him

I’ve found that men are more visual when it comes to getting dressed and react when they are shown ideas and outfits that are already put together. Because of this, I added specific color palettes based on the out ideas below. I can attest to the shoe selection as my husband, Kollin, owns all three pairs and loves them.

If you click the image it will take you to everything linked in the graphic.

Once you have an idea of the color palette, coordinating items, and the environment you’re shooting in, looking for and finding items will be easy! Most of the time, you’ll already have them in your closet at home. I’ve also heard from mom friends to let your kids wear the outfit before the photoshoot so you can see if there will be any issues the day of or if you need to change something. That way, you don’t have to deal with it during the photoshoot!

Do y’all have any other tips for family photos? Where is everyone taking them this year? Writing this post is reminding me that I need to get on making our holiday cards ha. I hope everyone has a great weekend and Halloween!

Anxiety and What I’ve Learned about Combating It

Hey, y’all! Today’s post is definitely more personal than the usual fashion edit, but it’s been on my mind for a while to share what I’ve been working through.

During a weekend away with my mom for Mother’s Day, I was chatting with my mom about how anxiety has been impacting me lately and she asked me, “when did this start?” I couldn’t really nail down an exact timeframe, but I shared with her when I had my first anxiety attack - albeit, I didn’t know that’s what it was at the time. It was back in college and while I’m going to keep the particular time and details private, it got me thinking that this is something I’ve been dealing with longer than I thought.

Like many others, the pandemic and quarantine exacerbated my anxiety and I was dealing with my emotions more frequently than I ever had before. But, it wasn’t until the fall of 2021 that I had another one since that first back in college and it actually became a more frequent thing. In the last 6 months, I have experienced 4 anxiety attacks (as someone who had ever only had 1 in my 28 years of life up until this point, it felt like a lot) and knew I really needed to deal with what was happening. But, the first thing was to find out what was causing them.

I looked at each attack and really tried to nail down what was happening and the emotions I was feeling during them to see if it would help determine any triggers or environments that were contributing. Here’s what I found:

My anxiety Triggers:

  • Feelings of lack of control or too many variables around me is a big catalyst

  • Alcohol enhances the likelihood of having one/severity for me

  • High stress or feelings of being too overwhelmed

  • Negative thinking and spiraling thoughts

  • Personal life stressors and circumstances

  • Being out of my routine for too long


This night on Instagram looked like so much fun and an amazing experience - it was - but, what I didn’t show was the anxiety attack and scary feelings I had toward the end of the night. This wasn’t intentional as my first reaction when having anxiety isn’t to grab my phone and share with y’all, but I think to be authentic in this post I needed to share the story with y’all (more below).

One or most of the above list was present for me during the attacks, the main one being lack of control. In every experience, it started by feeling like I wasn’t in control, couldn’t do/change things, or I was ignoring my emotions to “get through it” and then it bubbled over. Sometimes my anxiety will just linger throughout the day and not always be an attack. Other times, like the CMT Awards, it bubbled over and I found myself having a full-blown attack at the show. That particular night really helped me understand a lot about how to combat my anxiety and some tips and tricks I’ve learned that have helped me.

So, I think part of that night’s issue was that I was building it up and had pretty high expectations of the experience. I’m an enneagram 2, control freak, and very much want everyone around me to be happy and having fun - people pleaser has entered the chat. This was one of the biggest events I had ever been invited to as a blogger and you could say I felt the pressure to get great content, please the brand and also make sure my guests were having fun. This was all, of course, self-induced pressure and did not come from the brand or my friends that I brought along, but my anxiety was mounting throughout the day.

It started off a great day as two of my best friends came to Nashville to join me. We got ready together and we were so excited since we were about to be in the same room as Carrie Underwood! We jump in our Uber, head to the show, and halfway there it starts POURING rain. Our driver tries to get us close to the door, but we inevitably get soaked. The venue and where we were meeting the brand were about 3 blocks apart so we ended up having to walk in the rain, in heels and dresses - thankfully, they gave us ponchos which helped a little.

We get inside the venue and have to wait in line for security. There was a mix-up with our wristbands and for a moment, they wouldn’t let us inside. After figuring that out we find out we are in a standing section and don’t have seats for the night. I wasn’t expecting them, but one of the girls with us was pregnant and I was spiraling thinking she would be so uncomfortable all night. I calm down a bit and start taking photos, hanging out until the show starts and things seem to be fine. The next thing I know, the show starts, Keith Urban is literally 2 feet away from me, and I’m surrounded by a room full of country stars. I was feeling a lot better with all the distraction.

The night goes on and well into hour 4, I start getting uncomfortable. My feet hurt, I’m tired of standing and since it’s a live show, there are a lot of moving parts, commercial breaks, crowds of people, and audience queues - aka, things out of my control. I start getting some negative thoughts about how if maybe I’m ready to leave my friends are too and they don’t want to be there, I wanted to go to the bathroom but had no idea where it was and didn’t feel like I could leave my spot until the commercial break. I also was pretty dehydrated and worried about 2 more hours of standing in a crowd. I tried some breathing exercises and the 3-3-3 rule (more on that below).

I’ll cut to the chase on this already long-winded post: I was standing in the crowd waiting for Maren Morris to come on (my absolute favorite) and got an overwhelming feeling of “I have to get out of here”. I started to get hot, nauseated, and tunnel vision set in. I told my friends I needed a break and went to go find the bathroom. Halfway out of the crowd I felt like I was going to pass out and asked a security guard to take me to the bathroom since I didn’t know where to go. After some embarrassing moments taking my sweet time walking up multiple ramps in heels and dizziness, I made it to the bathroom and got sick.

I got a text from my friends asking if I was ok and to hurry back because Maren would be on soon. I knew I needed to hang out in this stall a while longer and remembered sending “can’t. puking.” back to them lol. Then, I could hear Maren Morris singing and I took a drink of the water I luckily brought with me. I texted another friend that I was having an attack. We’ve chatted before about them and she also deals with anxiety so I knew she would be helpful.

She immediately asked how I was feeling and then ended up changing the subject to take my mind off things. We chatted for a few min and then the friends I was with texted me asking if I needed anything. I realized the worst of it had passed, got myself together again, and went back downstairs to the show. The security guard who escorted me was waiting outside the bathroom to make sure I was ok. He was so nice and walked me back downstairs. We talked about his grandkids and I could feel the anxiety melting away. I got back to my friends and they were so kind about it. I ended up telling them about the attack - I had only ever told my husband and the other friend at that point - and they were so supportive. They asked if I wanted to leave, but I decided we could stay. After a couple more performances, they admitted they weren’t feeling the best either (it had been a really long day) and we decided to head out.

We got back home and just talked about the show, shared videos, and chatted about life. I called Kollin (who was out of town) and told him what happened. It felt really good to just be open about it. So, I decided to write down what caused me to get those feelings (above list) and what made me feel better or mitigated the anxiety.

Things that bring me peace of mind:

  • Other people knowing what I was feeling helped them help me. You can’t get help unless you ask for it and I had to get comfortable talking about what made me uncomfortable to protect my mental state. Now, my husband or friends can understand what might be triggering for me or just check-in to make sure I’m all good.

  • 3-3-3 rule: Look around you and name three things you see. Then, name three sounds you hear. Finally, move three parts of your body — your ankle, fingers, or arm

  • Watch a comforting show or movie

  • Inner self-talk: I learned this on the TSC Podcast with Ethan Kross and found it really helpful. Essentially you internally talk to yourself in pep-talk form as you would someone else. But use your name and don’t say it out loud

  • Listen to music or a podcast

  • Change your environment - spatial relation to the anxiety is so real and taking a step out of that physical space can change your mindset and help calm you

  • Go into nature - sit in the sunlight, listen to the birds, look at the sky, put your feet in the grass

  • Take CBD

  • Journal or write a gratitude list

  • Pray or meditate

  • Read a book

  • Stick to your routine as much as you can. Lack of control is a trigger for me so when I know I’m in my routine and things are going to plan it helps. Another tip from friends has been to make a mundane to-do list. Easily accomplished items that are completely in your control and you do every day like brush your teeth, drink water, and get dressed. It might seem silly, but that literal boost of serotonin helps when you check it off and feel accomplished in something.


Y’all may know that I’ve been really focused on becoming a morning person this year and a big part of that was developing a morning routine. You can read the specifics here, but a few months ago added CBD back into my daily routine and have found it really helpful in keeping me calm, grounded, and less reactive to my anxiety. I started taking Equilibria CBD every day as a more preventative way to combat anxiety, stress, and overwhelming feelings. It has really helped me understand the calibration of my emotions and notice the feelings of the beginnings of anxiety and stress. I take the daily gummies in the morning every day and also love their daily drops if I need a little more calm throughout a stressful day. You can learn more about CBD and Equilibria here.

TCB readers can use my code AMANDANAVA for 15% off their order if you’re wanting to try it yourself! I’m linking other tools I use below in my morning routine and throughout the day to help combat any anxiety I’m feeling like a cozy sweatshirt, refreshing ice roller, my favorite blanket, and journal.

If you’re still here, thank you. I know that was a lot and this isn’t my usual topic or something that is relevant for everyone, but my hope is that if it is relevant for you, you found it helpful and grabbed some takeaways. I hope this post also showed you that life can look really different than what we see on Instagram or written on a blog. I wanted to be authentic with y’all and reiterate the message that we’re all human. We all deal with tough things and struggle with issues many others do too. Having now experienced anxiety myself, I know how helpful it is to talk about it. If you need someone to talk to please send me a DM on Instagram or email me. I’d love to help however I can and would also love to hear from you if you have any helpful tips for readers too! Thank you again so much for reading!

I partner with Equilibria and could receive a small commission from any purchases made through links in this post. As always, all opinions are my own.

The Denim Edit: Cuts and Styles to Try this Spring

Hey, y’all! Good denim is something it seems the majority of us are on the hunt for most of the time when people ask me about shopping requests or styling help. Having a go-to pair of jeans is such a good feeling, especially when they make you look as good as you feel in them.

I’ve put together a huge edit of denim from multiple retailers, at different price points and a ton of different styles. I’ve grouped them by popular styles or colors, but even within those groups there are several different styles and cuts to try!


This style is definitely the most popular amongst today’s fashions and is a great starting point for most body types and sizes. The high-rise cut allows for a cinched waist, clean and straight-lined silhouette that can be worn with most any top, jacket, shoe and outfit.


I’ve loved this trend and how it elongates your legs while also adding a unique touch to your denim without embellishments or distressing. These mimic a wide leg denim or flare style by being wider at the bottom and allowing for an A-line silhouette that is really flattering.


Regular blue jeans are an amazing staple to have in your closet, but I actually find myself wearing black denim more often. It adds a level of elegance and dressiness to the outfit since blue jeans carry a more casual tone. Whether you go with no distressing or knee rips, I’ve rounded up some amazing pairs.


This style is nothing new, but as more relaxed styles are becoming more popular, the wide leg or flare are great options! Stick to a slimming style like a flare if you’re wanting more structure or go for a wide leg style for something relaxed and casual.


Similarly to black denim, white denim adds a layer of variety to your closet and denim collection. Perfect for spring and summer and more ethereal looks, the crisp and clean look is a great foundation for any style!


As we move into warmer weather, denim shorts become a staple for many. Short styles echo jeans when it comes to cuts and silhouettes - high waists cinch you in, looser cuts and distressing add to a more casual feel, and shorts that flare away from the body create a slimming and flattering shape.

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you found a style and pair that you love! Reach out to me on Instagram or comment below with any questions! Shop all the denim below in the boutique! xx

Spring 2022 Shoe Trends You Need to Check Out

Hey, y’all! So we all know the groundhog called for 6 more weeks of winter, but I’m just refusing to accept that and immediately moving into Spring. Since we don’t live in Chicago anymore and winter doesn’t last until May in Nashville, I can truly appreciate the season of Spring. I recently was asked on Instagram for my thoughts on sandal trends (Thank you, Bryn!) and wanted to devote an entire post to Spring shoe trends in general. I, of course, added in sandals, but wanted to cover all shoe categories that were highlighted during Fashion Weeks. So, let’s get into it!



The runways are hot with architectural elements and unique shapes in footwear.

I’ve loved this trend since I first started seeing unique sandals and heels by the brand Cult Gaia back in the late 20-teens. Seeing similar designs and aesthetics arrive in more affordable stores and sticking around for another season is really fun! I personally think shoes should be fun and eye-catching so I love this trend!




Super high heels and platforms are very in this year - might want to take some practice walking around in these babies, but they are so fun and chic!

I remember the first time I ever saw a pair of Saint Laurent Bianca Platform Sandals, followed by the Jodie Platform Sandals and I needed them. I, of course, do not own them to this day, but I am certain one day I will! I find them so chic and classic. This trend really took off during fashion week when Versace debuted the Medusa Heel. It is all over my Instagram, Pinterest boards, and fashion trend reports for Spring. They are definitely more of a statement, but I find them super fun and playful! The design isn’t new as we’ve seen it on the red carpets since the 2000s when designers like Laurence Dacade, Gucci, Prada and Valentino made the styles more popular at the height of the days of Paris and Nicole going clubbing. Anyone else remember the iconic Bratz doll and Steve Madden ads that focused on platforms? Well, the 90s-00s are back y’all!



time to lace up

The gladiator style is back and more exaggerated than ever. Sandals with straps, wraps and ties are here.

This trend isn’t new and I remember buying the Steve Madden Travel Sandal a couple years ago and seeing them everywhere! So, good news for any of you that purchased a pair in the late 20-teens - they’re here to stay! I personally love the wrap around styles that are a bit more understated than the knee-high gladiator in the above picture. Check out the styles below!



bold & Bright colors

This seasons runways were full of colorful clothing, shoes, accessories and prints. Shoes will be no different - if anything, they can be the statement of your look.

My thoughts on this is that after two years of dealing with a pandemic, designers are wanting fun, colorful and memorable designs to fill stores and runways. Bright colors, bold statements and saturated designs are all the rage right now. From designers like Tom Ford, Bottega Venetta, and Saint Laurent we saw bright pinks, blues, oranges and greens in footwear. I love a colorful heel and sandal to make an outfit than the more traditional neutral colors most choose. Will you try out some colorful shoes this season? My biggest tip is to purchase a pair in a style you already own. I LOVE these Steve Madden Vala Heels and they come in so many colors!




Another classic style that is back again, the pointed boot replaces past year’s focus on square toed sandals and boots.

I personally never loved the rounded toe style and felt that pointed toe shoes never really went out of style. Perfect for elongating your leg and adding a chic, elegant touch to any look, there are plenty of options out there to try out the trend. If you’re new to the style, try out a bootie or knee high style as an introduction. I also love this pointed toe heel style I’m seeing in the sandal category. So chic and cool!


I hope y’all like this type of post and covering a bit more of upcoming trends and styles in different categories. I had fun putting it together and finding pieces you can bring into your closet from runway inspiration. What style or trend was your favorite? I think I’m personally going to be adding more color this Spring and maybe try out those sky-high platforms. Thanks so much for reading!

The Handbag Edit: Designer Styles under $100, $200, and $500


Hey, y’all! I’m a little shocked I haven’t done a post like this in the past because if there is one thing that I love, it’s handbags. I’ve been asked multiple times if I’m a shoe, handbag, jewelry, clothes, etc. type girl and if I could only pick one I’d go with handbags. Something about them makes them little pieces of art and I love the way we can express ourselves with accessories.

I asked y’all over on Instagram about the different price points you wanted to see handbags in and the two most popular were under $200 and under $500. When it comes to designer bags there are quite a few out there in those price points, but I know $200 is a lot to spend on a bag to some so I included another category of under $100. The other price ranges were for more designer-focused buyers in the $1,000 and $1,500 price range. I’m happy to make another post for those if you all would like that! So, before I jump into the bags I wanted to share a little bit about what you should look for when purchasing a bag no matter who makes it.


Whenever I buy a new bag I always consider the cost per wear. Is this a bag I am purchasing for a certain event like a wedding, work event, or cocktail party? Or is this something I’ll wear every weekend no matter my plans? I’d like to think every bag is the latter, but as with most things, the more you buy, the less you’ll use each one. If this is something I’m only using a handful of times then my budget drops immensely. On the other hand, if this is a bag I’ve had my eye on for a while or something that is really functional like a work bag, I’ll spend more because I want to make sure the quality is there to support how much I’ll use it.

Secondly, trendy vs. classic. Everyone is different in their taste which makes fashion so fun, so we each have our own spectrum of those two words and what they mean to us. If I feel a bag is trendy (something that is hitting the industry as a new season, unique to the time, or something not very practical, but everyone is loving) then I typically stay away from high-priced versions. I personally prefer bags that are more classic in terms of structure, color, and overall design. I love bags that I can reach for no matter the season, year, color or event because it goes with everything.


There are a ton of handbags that fit into this category and are really well made and offer a great variety in how they can be used and styled. I’m linking some of my personal favorites and other great finds below! In this price point, there are a few things to look out for - wear and tear on your bag can start pretty early because of the materials used. Secondly, the structure of the bag. Because the materials used are cheaper, you may not have as much variety in bag shape, design elements and uniqueness as there would be in higher price points, but I think I found some really great options!


Most of these are actually closer to $100, but were just above the mark so I added to this category. You start getting into some nicer designer bags here and more unique designs! I love that you can grab great designers on sale like Rebecca Minkoff, Michael Kors, Tory Burch, Mansur Gavriel, and Marc Jacobs. If you’re looking for designer then these will be their smaller bags like totes, crossbodies or clutches.


This category definitely has the most range with what I found. I think the sweet spot is around $350 so I tried to focus there and then included some higher end designers in wallets and other accessories!

If y’all have any questions on specific designers, specific bag shapes or types you’re looking for or anything please let me know, I’d love to help! I hope y’all liked this more categorical experience! If so, I can definitely do it more and other categories if you like. Thanks so much for reading and for your feedback on this idea!

We're Building a House in Nashville!

I’m so excited to share that we are building a home in Nashville! If y’all have followed us in the last few years you have known that our path after college was a bit different than others. If you’re new here, I’ll fill you in briefly.

Kollin and I met in middle school and dated off and on through high school. We got back together in college and dated long distance for 3 years while Kollin was in Colorado and I was in Kentucky. After college, we moved to Chicago for Kollin to attend law school, got married in 2019, and lived in Chicago for 5 years. We then decided during the Pandemic that we wanted to prioritize our ideal living situation in 2021 (you can read about that here - part two here) and made the choice to move to Nashville with the intention to buy a home. *Crazy housing market enters the chat*

With the market the way it was and wanting to make sure Nashville was our forever home, we decided to get an apartment. Fast forward another year and we still couldn’t compete with out-of-state, all-cash buyers and the stress that comes with a competitive market. That market had driven new build home prices way up and we couldn’t afford that route anymore - especially in an already escalated price point that is Nashville. We felt a bit stuck but remained faithful that the right time would come. We re-signed our lease and chose to just go with whatever was to come, which was very hard for me if I’m being honest. I’ve always been the type that needs a plan, that works through the details and understands all the options.

When that plan and how I thought our lives would look these last few years didn’t match reality, I felt pretty defeated. When would we be settled? I’d see friends and family buy homes, have kids, upgrade their kitchen, buy fixer-uppers and keep moving forward. I felt jealous, behind, and not good enough. When was it our turn? After some much-needed pep talks and validation from friends and family, I made the decision that 2022 was going to be the year of letting go. Keeping our faith in God’s plan and the patience we’d built over the last 2.5 years.

We canceled our travel plans for the month of January after a tough holiday season and focused on resetting our intentions and goals for the New Year. With some downtime and the understanding that our lease was up in June, I took another look at the market around Nashville and saw some promising homes listed for sale. We decided to start the search again. On a Thursday I shared a builder with Kollin I had seen a couple of times and we decided to book a meeting to see the development and area of town. We toured on Saturday, went back Sunday, and started the process of buying that following week. To say it went quickly would be an understatement! As first-time buyers, the learning curve was steep. With the help of family and many Google searches, we are under contract and our lot is currently being graded by the developer! We have a long way to go but are hoping to be move-in sometime in July or August.

All this to say, I know your path might be different or feel ‘behind’ compared to others. You might ask yourself when your turn is or why your path isn’t going the way you intended. But, like many things I’ve learned about life - it’ll happen when you’re not expecting it and might be faster than you planned. Your time is coming and you just have to keep going.

I can’t wait to share this process with y’all if you’re interested and am so excited to be creating our home in Nashville! Thank you so much for reading!

The Style Edit: Resort Wear


One of my favorite things to shop for is vacation outfits. Since we don’t live in a tropical area, I don’t shop for bathing suits, coverups and colorful maxi dresses too often, making it really fun when the time comes. I love that resort wear is all about ease and relaxation, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t find unique and eye-catching styles. I’m sharing my favorites below for the season, perfect for any vacation you have coming up!

Some tips that I use while shopping for resort wear:

  • Have fun with it: I like to wear things I wouldn’t normally do at home while on vacation. So for me, that looks like more color, unique cuts like strapless, fun patterns, and accessories.

  • Airy & Light: look for materials that will keep you cool. Nothing is worse than your outfit sticking to you in the heat and feeling uncomfortable. Try flowy pants, a maxi dress, or crop tops.

  • Don’t break the bank: since this is something you’ll probably only wear while on vacation try to stay within a reasonable budget for yourself. For fun items, I won’t wear that often or just want to try out I use platforms like FashionPass or Rent the Runway! For a much lower cost than buying, I can rent the items and use them for the trip, but not have them sit in my closet for years to come only coming out while on vacation!

